Chrisna Adhi Pranoto

I'm Chrisna, Full-time Learner. Aspiring Web Developer and Enthusiast of IT in Library & Information Science.

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Librarian and the future of library infrastructure with AI disruption

Librarian was the most underrated profession in the world, because most of people was thinking that librarian was just a person that manage the books and the library itself. But, librarian was more than that, librarian was the information professiona...

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React was overhead for me, Vue and Svelte did better.

React was the most popular and well known frontend library out there, it was always got the first rank in developer survey in the total usage in the frontend world. But in my opinion, React was overhead and really difficult to learn or grasp e...

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Web Platform today make everything easier and harder at the same time

Build something in web is really easy nowaday, thanks to the innovation of three of the main language of the web (HTML, CSS and Javascript) that has evolved throught the year. Tho sometimes there is some caveat that web platform was harder than what ...

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User Experience is Hard

It's been years since i'm doing some design and user interface with the tendency of better user experiences. Sometimes kinda kinky to do optimization of views on any devices, tho it's going better with the support of CSS Frameworks. When CSS Framewor...

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